Demonstration Only!

Another short course from the Te Pūkenga Open Skills Training Commons.

In the Danish province of Kalundborg, a number of large businesses have been developing a system of industrial symbiosis that results in hyper-efficient resource use and almost no waste. In effect, the industrial cluster is designed in the same way as natural systems work: where the waste of one organisation is a raw material for another.


Discussion forum activity

  1. Watch this video on Kalundborg Symbiosis.
  2. Look around the Kalundborg Industrial Symbiosis website.
  3. Now think about these questions:
    • What do you see as the core elements that have underpinned the development and success of the Kalundborg Symbiosis initiative?
    • What can we learn from this?
    • What do you think it would take to gain widespread adoption of this sort of industrial design philosophy?
    • What are the barriers, and how might they be overcome?
    • What examples are you aware of where this sort of industrial design is already happening?
  4. Add your comments to the Discussion Forum (look for the specific topic on this).

Hint: You may wish to write out your answer and copy and paste it into the forum when you have it completed.

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