Demonstration Only!

Another short course from the Te Pūkenga Open Skills Training Commons.

  1. Choose a concept or idea on which to base an interesting blog post to share with fellow learners. The topic for this blog post could be related to your studies or any area of interest. Think carefully: the nature of the topic you post may impact on the ownership of the copyright of what you are posting in terms of your employment agreements or contracts.
  2. Think about which Creative Commons license you would like to apply to your blog post as this may influence your search parameters for the required open materials you source for reuse in this post.
  3. Before you commence searching for Creative Commons resources, please read the learning outcome actions regarding the license requirements for artefacts to be included in your blog remix.
  4. Search for openly licensed text relating to your concept or idea which you can copy, reuse and modify for your blog post.
  5. Search for a few images you could potentially use to illustrate or add visual appeal to your blog post. In this way you will be able to choose the “best” image from a short list. Remember to bookmark or keep the urls of the images you find which you will need for attribution purposes.
  6. Tip: When using search engines to narrow down options for particular license choices always check the license and or terms of reference at the source site. When in doubt — consider the source to be all rights reserved even if the search engine suggests otherwise.