Demonstration Only!

Another short course from the Te Pūkenga Open Skills Training Commons.



Taking action and choosing priorities (CSF104) is a free micro Open Online Course (mOOC) designed for anyone looking to prioritise the actions that sit between your baseline and your vision of success, and then learn how to communicate your work, your audience, and your story. At the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Understand how creative solutions can be generated.
  2. Use three prioritising questions as a check for success before action.
  3. The fundamentals of communicating sustainability work for success.
  4. Understand the use of suitable tools to measure success.


Learning objectives

This course will help you to:

  1. Learn that inspiration often comes from unexpected places.
  2. Answer “How would nature do this?”
  3. Understand prioritising questions to provide a check before action.
  4. Understand that taking action changes perspective and that, together with reflection, it can provide new insight into the next course of action.
  5. Understand your audience and what you need them to know.
  6. Bring your audience and your message together
  7. Learn to be clear and concise, with no jargon, no buzz words.
  8. Ensure the right measures are in place.
  9. Understand the Tools level of the 5 Level framework.
  10. Explore which tools are best.