Demonstration Only!

Another short course from the Te Pūkenga Open Skills Training Commons.

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In this learning pathway, you are invited to prepare your own initial definition of digital literacy. We will do this by:

  1. Conducting an initial search of definitions for digital literacy on the web
  2. Considering the difference between digital skills and digital literacy
  3. Sharing credible links you find on the topic on (our resource repository for this course)
  4. Sharing personal reflections on why digital literacy matters to you via

Apart from starting to unpack the meaning of digital literacy, you will also demonstrate your digital skills in social bookmarking, using online forums and earning your first badges on


Defining digital literacy

Purpose: Search for definitions of digital literacy and digital skills on the web to identify the difference

  1. Read Wikipedia’s definition of Digital literacy – Is this a good description?
  2. Scan the #diglit hashtag on Twitter – Did you find any valuable links to defining digital literacy?
  3. Conduct a Google search for “digital literacy.” Select a few definitions you like and record the urls, for example by adding these to your browser bookmarks.
  4. Conduct a Google search for “digital skills.” Select one or two definitions you like and record the urls.
  5. Conduct a Google search for “digital fluency” Select one or two definitions.
  6. What are the differences between digital literacies, digital fluency, and digital skills? How are these concepts related?
  7. Read: What is digital literacy? published by POMO – Is this a reliable source?
  8. How would you rate the academic quality of the definitions you found (e.g. low / high quality)?

What did you discover? Share your thoughts and experiences by posting on WENotes below, for example:

  1. The major difference between digital skills and literacies is …
  2. I didn’t realise that …
  3. For me, digital literacy means …

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