Demonstration Only!

Another short course from the Te Pūkenga Open Skills Training Commons.

Review one or two examples of the following digital visitor and resident maps created by learners. (Click on the image for a larger view and image attributions. Remember that your “back button” will take you back to this page or you can open the image links a new tab or window.)

  1. Create your own Personal Learning Network (PLN) map. You can generate your PLN map using your preferred graphics software, slideshow software, or draw your map free hand and then take a photograph for posting on your blog. Institutional quadrants in this context refers to your professional environment and/or engagement in formal learning contexts. (Note that the final assessment requires your PLN map to be generated using digital tools, but for the purposes of this post you can use a hand drawn graphic as a draft before finalising this post for assessment.)
  2. Revisit your original definition of digital literacy and think about how you would like to refine and improve your first attempt.
  3. Prepare a revised definition of digital literacy and what digital literacy means for you.
  4. Complete today’s LiDA photo challenge and share your reflection and image on or Twitter. Remember to include the following two hashtags in the text of your tweet: #LiDA101 and #lida101photo
  5. Consider the digital literacies you would like personally to improve on this course based on the seven elements of digital literacies