Demonstration Only!

Another short course from the Te Pūkenga Open Skills Training Commons.

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The purpose of this pathway is to define what digital literacies mean for you using digital online technologies.

In this learning pathway, you are invited to prepare your own initial definition of digital literacies, based on your online research of these concepts.

Apart from starting to unpack the meaning of digital literacies, you will also demonstrate your digital skills in social bookmarking, using online forums, earning your first badges on, annotating web pages and publishing your personal definition online.



On successful completion of this learning pathway, you will be able to:

  1. Conduct a search of definitions for digital literacy on the web
  2. Explain the differences between digital skills and digital literacies
  3. Share links to credible resources you find on the topic on (our resource bank for the course)
  4. Share your personal reflections on why digital literacy matters to you via
  5. Publish your personal definition of digital literacy and depict your personal learning network (PLN) online.